Jobs in HR weekly bulletin


Jobs in HR weekly bulletin Subscribers

To unsubscribe from Jobs in HR weekly bulletin, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address:

If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

** PLEASE Read this **

It is essential that the email address you enter in the form above, is the same email address that you used when subscribing!

This system will then send an email to you requesting that you confirm the unsubscribe action by clicking a link. You MUST click on the link in that email to complete the unbsubscribe process, (just like you did when you subscribed).

The system will then send you a final email confirming that your address has been removed from the mail list.

NB: If you do NOT receive the confirmation emails mentioned above, you have NOT been unsubscribed

Common causes of this are ;

(a) the incorrect email address was entered into the form above, either due to typing error, or

(b) the email address you entered in the form is different from the email address used to originally subscribe (have you forwarded an old email address to a new email address?), or

(c) the confirmation email is being blocked by a spam filter

If all else fails, lets us know at and we'll see if a human can resolve the issue!